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Wish List

Every bit counts at the WAHS!

There are many ways in which you can help the shelter care for our furry friends. One of those is to make a donation of supplies to operate the shelter or feed the animals. Below are items we are always in need of:

Basic Animal Shelter Needs:

Pedigree Dry and Canned Dog & Pedigree Puppy Food
Purina Cat Chow & Purina Kitten Food
Non Clumping Cat Litter
Hand Towels
Liquid Laundry Detergent
Dawn Dish Detergent
Blankets (new or used)
Hand Held Scrub Brushes
Brooms & Dust Pans
Broom Length Scrub Brushes
Empty Spray Bottles
Paper Towels
New or Used Crates
12 and 50 Gallon Trash Bags
Material to Make Bandannas
New or Gently Used Dog & Cat Toys
Swifter Dusters

Basic Office Supplies:

8 1/2 x 11 White Copy Paper
8 1/2 x 11 Colored Copy Paper
Paper Clips
Scotch Tape
Dry Erase Markers
Post-it Notes
Rubber Bands
Manila Folders
Sharpies (any color)
AA & AAA Batteries
Clorox Wipes
Swifter Dusters
Digital Cameras

Not sure what to donate, here are some more suggestions:

Make a donation as a memorial for a special pet or person
Gift Cards to PetSmart
Adopt A Kennel to help take care of our furry friends
Dog Kennels $200 per year
Cat Kennels $150 Per year
Sponsor an available pet at the shelter
Sponsor a Spay/Neuter for someone who can’t afford it
Support the Pet Friendly License Plate
Sponsor on of our special events.
Volunteer your time. Thank you for caring